Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Day 309.

I glanced into the mirror this afternoon and saw my mother. Now, my mother has blonde curly hair and blue eyes, whereas I have brown hair and dark brown eyes, but nonetheless the reflection which I saw was very much that of my mother's, just the darker version. Odd right? Well that is all I really have to say about that. 
Here are a few random things to share, because I have little tidbits of thoughts and such, and none of it would coherently work together.
  • Dating...
  • I'm going to the Iron & Wine concert tomorrow!!
  • Moody girls are painstakingly exasperating.
  • Sadly, the past does often define us.
  • And I like this cat:

    Listening to: my cat meow.
    Feeling: my feet fall asleep, slowly going numb.
    Day of the year: 309

Saturday, October 19, 2013

day 291 & 1/2.

*random pinterest thoughts at two o'clock in the morning

Listening to: the random noises of night & the heavy breathing of a sleeping roommate 
In need of: a motherly hug and sleep
Day of the year: somewhere between 291 & 292

Thursday, October 17, 2013

day 290.

Last night I became a part of a society that most consider odd. Freegans. Don't know who are freegans are? Let me lay this out for you. Businesses close. Employees and owners can no longer sell certain items due to laws and rules dictating how fresh items must be to sell them. The sun sets. And thats where freegans come in. Yes, you are correct; a freegan is a dumpster diver.
I'm well aware of how disgusting the nature of this sport must sound. But we were picky. We took only that which was well packaged and [what seemed] fresh. We scored big time last night at a bakery. Let me just say that I think I will likely only ever participate in freeganism at bakeries. Here is why:
1) They have hardly any trash aside from the rejected bread loaves and pastries; 2) They have to throw baked goods away on a daily basis; & 3) Baked goods are freegan [wink wink] delicious. Don't worry. I definitely had some delicious toast this morning made from bread obtained from my incredibly humorous (to me and my friends) efforts last night around midnight.
Anway, so freeganism. Its a thing. A real thing. And if you don't believe me, do look it up. If you decide to give it a try here are a few things I suggest:

  • Base your decision of whether it may be a good find or not on the smell (for example bakeries' smell of delicious donuts and other things of the like)
  • Go with friends -- it makes the adventure much more fun.
  • Consider your attire with caution. Boots are a wise choice.
  • Do not, under any circumstance, take anything that is not carefully packaged (ie NO free floating french fries. No free floating anything!!!)

So there you have it, my suggestions. I don't suggest you lead a freegan life if you live in a generally unsanitary part of the country, or world for that matter. Main point is, be smart. Being stupid could make you sick. Or kill ya. Who knows. So maybe the best suggestion would be to not become a freegan. Yup, I guess thats the moral of the story.

You might enjoy this as well:

*Considering the fact that my friends and I went together and we did not make nasty sludge from our findings, I think I won't have to go find friends in the dumpsters. Not for those reasons anyway.

Well if I get deathly ill from that delicious piece of toast, I will definitely let you know. Unless of course I die. Then I won't let you know. So I guess in this case, no news is BAD news.

Have a wonderful day!!!!
"The hunger for love is much more difficult
to remove than the hunger for bread."
[Mother Teresa]

Listening to: What If You [by Joshua Radin]
I should be: studying statistics
Day of the year: 290

Monday, October 14, 2013

day 286

Quite frankly I thought I was done blogging when I wrote my last post. And it was indeed intended to be my very last post. And then Thursday I realized I missed having a blog. I missed rambling into the great unknown of the internet. And so here I am, returning to the blog that has seen the good and the bad over the last 3, almost 4, years. I gave the name a subtle change and changed the header, so this old blog of mine is ready for my next attempt at a quality blog.
Well for now that is all I leave you with, but have a wonderful fall day!

"Today I choose life. Every morning when I wake up I can choose joy, happiness, 
negativity, pain...To feel the freedom that comes from being able to continue to make mistakes 
and choices - today I choose to feel life, not to deny my humanity but embrace it."
Kevyn Aucoin

Listening to: Jezebel [by Iron & Wine]
In the mood for: A burger from that one corner restaurant in Barcelona
Day of the year: 286