Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Day 309.

I glanced into the mirror this afternoon and saw my mother. Now, my mother has blonde curly hair and blue eyes, whereas I have brown hair and dark brown eyes, but nonetheless the reflection which I saw was very much that of my mother's, just the darker version. Odd right? Well that is all I really have to say about that. 
Here are a few random things to share, because I have little tidbits of thoughts and such, and none of it would coherently work together.
  • Dating...
  • I'm going to the Iron & Wine concert tomorrow!!
  • Moody girls are painstakingly exasperating.
  • Sadly, the past does often define us.
  • And I like this cat:

    Listening to: my cat meow.
    Feeling: my feet fall asleep, slowly going numb.
    Day of the year: 309