Sunday, September 7, 2014

Day 250.

Oh my. My inability to blog consistently is pitiful really. But enough of that.
What is new homeslices?! The newness on my end is overwhelming really. No, I joke. I am back to the grind of school. I do have a fabulous new job though. H&M. If you need a great hourly job, Hennes & Mauritz is the place.

Life is tough friends. Things don't go as planned. It is rare that I plan out my life further than what I plan to eat at the next meal, but for some ridiculous reason I drew up a plan in my head of what the next year was going to look like for myself. It was going to be great. School, work, social life. Everything was going to go swimmingly. But I come today to inform you of my cliche yet incredibly sincere revelation.
Life wasn't made for plans. Life was made for living. 

If you live everyday with the idea that everything in life must go to plan, you will live a very unhappy life. Yes, you can strive to achieve things. You can make goals. But you cannot expect every minute detail to execute itself in the order, timing, manner, etc. in which you had decided in that mind of yours. A rough outline is healthy -- it allows for direction. But it would be silly to expect life to play out as if it were following a script, a script written by you.

I hope that I successfully conveyed my thoughts on the matter. I intended this idea to come across as a positive one, one that allows you to dream more freely, an idea that inspires you to live to your fullest. Because life is full of surprises, and to embrace the unexpected is to live.

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